
Friday, 28 February 2014

A Month Of Travelling

It has been a month since I left Northern hemisphere.
It feels such a long time ago, I barely remember my life in UK, but the days sometimes go so quickly, so I do not have time to do everything I plan for them.
In one month my Spanish got better, I can do crossfit, rafting, read Cosmo and talk politics. Argentines suffer with me: I make them repeat and repeat phrases in Spanish until I understand. Sometimes it takes to repeat 5 times. Poor people!
Month overview?
Parting all night? - Checked.
Drinking mate with Argentines? - Checked.
Taking part in asado parties? - I haven't eaten that much meat in one go in my life.
Got burned on the beached of Uruguay? - Checked, checked, checked - I got all new skin now.
Walking alone in the jungle and watching wildlife? - Done that.
I guess the only thing I've missed is Parillas, but they are everywhere, I have another 52 days (according to stamp in my passport) to catch up.
3 weeks in Buenos Aires felt like months. This city became my home (not that I want to live there though). Portenos are different from people of the rest of the country as it usually happens with capitals.
Buenos Aires never sleeps, they only start going out at midnight, while in the regions everything closes at 11pm. I guess big cities are exempt - going to confirm very soon.
There are a lot of musicians in Subte who very often give good performance with musical instruments and mics.
The passangers are good audience, they always readily appload and give money (2 $ usually).
People read a lot of newspapers and are less plugged in than in Metro in Moscow.
They as easy as selling umbrellas (paraguas) in the street, as they run their illegal blue market business. On a rainy day around Florida street one only hears 'Paraguas, paraguas' mixed with 'Cambio, cambio' at every corner.
In their language saying 'Que linda' to a passing girl is just an acknowledgement of fact that a girl is passing by. You can hear it from everyone: from a young guy, almost a boy, to an old respectful man in business suit.
Buenos Aires is filled with farmacies, banks and beauty salons like Moscow.
In the banks there is always a queue of people.
It was an interesting month full of discoveries and mind broadening experience (euh, my Russian English, I wonder how google would translate it?). I am in power of European stereotypes, so when I see guys kissing eacher other when they meet, they become a bit gayish to me. They do not do it so often in the rest of the country though.
I do not have clear plan for the next X amount of months, let's see what happens. I promise to write about the most exciting events. Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Week 4. Iguazu Falls

Note to myself: always book accommodation over weekend, whether it is popuar touristic destination during high season like Iguazu, or small rural place where nobody goes - there might be a carnival and all hotels booked.
Note #2: Local tourist information can be very helpful, should use it more.
All photos are here.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Week 3-4. Uruguay

All the photos are here.

Saturday, 15/02. Colonia

I finally leaving BA. Not forever, I will come back on Wednesday to fly to Iguazu, but now I am going to another country to lie on the beach (ish) for a couple of days.
I am catching the same ferry as a girl from my class and her frend and there are more people coming from the school. And I am travelling with 15 l rucksack leaving the rest at my hosts's. 15 liters! For 5 days! Why do I even have 65 l bag???
Ferry takes an hour, I plan to visit Colonia today and catch the bus to Montevideo in the evening. Good plan. Did not happen. I did not know Uruguay is one hour ahead of Argentina. We have arrived around 3.30pm local time, by time girls found their hostel, checked in, time passed and there was asado in the evening and a bed available, so I decided to stay. I do not have anything booked in Montevideo anyway. Plan changed.
Met people from my old school and visited Colonia with them, while my group were sleeping.
Colonia is very calm, small and slow after fast and loud BAires. Just want to sit somewhere on the beach, drink mate and watch the ocean. Very nice place, small one-storey houses, old cars, narrow streets, beautiful people (they are taller than portenos).
Travelling in a group is fun, but practice of spanish is limited. I was just proud of myself when I could handle 15mins conversation with taxi driver the other night. Now I do not get a chance to speak spanish. Hmmm
Tomorrow I am going to Montevideo. Nothing will stop me.

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Looks like my little tablet only could create link to mobile Picasa. This should work better. Let me know.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Week 3. Last Week In Buenos Aires

Monday, 10/02. Russian vodka dinner

Сегодня готовила борщ для своих хозяев и их друзей. Они купили водку, я нашла соленые огурцы и капусту (ish). Russian dinner with vodka. Для аргентинцев странно пить водку с едой, а не в клубе и не закусывая.
С утра в попытках найти нужные ингридиенты бегала по магазинам. Какие же у них плохие овощи! Вроде все, что нужно есть, но выбрать свеклу практически невозможно. 
В магазине есть 2 типа картошки - мытая и немытая. Немытая в 2 раза дороже, но такая же гнилая. "Если нет разницы, зачем платить больше?"-подумала я, и набрала немытой на 0.5 доллара (что это теперь? 20 рублей?). Зато мяса много и на любой вкус. 
Начала готовить и поняла, что борщ я не варила уже несколько лет. Все переживала, что картошка переварилась (она у них какая-то мягкая и варится за 5 минут), капуста недоварилась. К тому же, один из друзей моих хозяев уже пробовал борщ: остальным можно было сказать, что так и надо. Но, то ли водка, то ли голод дал о себе знать, "muy rico". Международного скандала удалось избежать. 
Я не умею варить маленькими порциями, им еще неделю этот борщ есть. Холодная водка под корнюшоны (ближайший эквавалент соленых огурцов, который удалось найти) и квашеную капусту тоже хорошо пошла. Бутылку, правда, на 5х не смогли добить. 
Пока я готовила все, включая гостей, предложили свою помощь. Гости всегда приносят либо вино, либо десерт. 
Когда закончили есть, все дружно начали убирать со стола посуду, оставив только алкоголь. 
У них в языке нет понятия "хозяин" (по крайней мере, у моих хозяев), есть "приглашенные". Они ходят в гости к друг другу по очереди, помогают накрывать и убирать со стола - какие же они гости? Правда, никто ничегУ них, как и в России, принято приглашать людей в гости и сидеть говорить, говорить, говорить, есть, пить чай (мате в их случае). У нас вообще в этом плане много общего.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Life in BA

When you leave exchange office with a bag full of money because you've just changed 500 usd to pesos to save yourself time and nerves in the future, and a guy first looks at you very carefully and then stops you, the last thing you expext to here is "You are so beautiful". Shocking.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Week 2. Buenos Aires. Elpasaje School

So I have change the school this week for something cheaper and smaller. We are only 4 in the group as against 6 in the previous, and, as the classes are in the afternoon, we do not get to meet a lot of people. I am glad I chosen to go to Expanish first, it was more social, the building only belongs to the school, looks like they organize more events. Money well spent. Now it is time to concentrate on my Spanish.

If this is ok with you, I wil not reply to the comments in posts, but will try to answer in the next. I do not really have time to spend in internet, so I try to be efficient. Hope this it ok? I promise to update weekly. 

Warning: this post is a crazy mixture of languages, I apologize for it. Just felt like writting in other language sometimes. 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Doing My Spanish Homework...

А вы знали, что 'I keep in mind this magic moment' means 'Я помню чудное мгновенье' pffff. Lame.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Rainy weekend in Buenos Aires

It was rainy and thundery over weekend, and I was not very motivated to walk under the rain. So I stayed in the barrio.

Week 1. Buenos Aires. Expanish school

It has been a week since I am in Buenos Aires, time for update.
Buenos Aires is wonderful beautiful magical place. Everything I wrote before is not true, let's say I was jetlagged.

My host is ok. First shock has gone, I am staying here. They are very interesting people, he is a musician, she is a photographer. This is an old house and it gives it some sort of a charm (ish). Got used to the dog, had to push it out of bathroom every morning. I know all the dog owners of barrio. 

Area is fine, 30 mins to the school by subte (metro), already know where my station is without looking and what exit I need. Feel myself real porteno.
I came so unprepared here, I did not even check if my phone would work in Argentina (well, it does not). Here I do not really have time to check internet/guide books for my plans, so I just go with the flow. Found out a lot from people and have approximate plan until 25th Feb. Having no plan, having no time to visit main attractions on the first week does not bother me much, I have another 2 weeks and enough time to do everything I will plan to do.
Everything excites me. Changing money on blue market? Exciting! Eating in suspicious chinese buffets? Exciting! Having TD? Yes! I am a real traveller now. Since I ended up in Wales every substandard situation makes me think fast and is exciting (see how excited I am?). I thought only particular type of people like being under stress, I never thought of myself as 'particular'. I met the girl who like me left her job and went around the world. She says that she found out a lot about herself. Time for me to do the same. Exciting!

Here's what happened this week.