
Saturday, 21 February 2015

Week 52 Continues, 16-18th Jan, San Gil

It was soo long time ago and I am soo nor motivated to write a lot about it, also almost nothing happened there, so quickly

Week 52, 12-15 Jan, Medellin

Medellin. Второй крупный город Колумбии. Родина Пабло Жксобара. Место тусовки жкспатов. Когда-то один из самыз опасныз городов Колумбии, теперь культурная столица. Для меня жто был еще один большой город, который надо быстро посмотреть и быстро же оттуда уезать.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Week 51, 6-11th Jan, Zona Cafetera

I am finally out of Cali! Forever! No more night shifts! No more salsa. On Tuesday I arrived to Salento to find out that this week is Feria de Salento and it is full of people from all over Colombia partying on the main plaza. Will this partying ever end?

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Week 54 Continues. 30th Jan-2nd Feb. Puebla And Adventures In Places Without Hotels

После 4x дней в Мезико, мне зотелось оттуда сбежать, что я и сделала. Первой остановкой была деревня по пути в Puebla, где мы планировали залезть на вулкан, с которого видно все. Но не тут-то было.

Week 55, Feb 3-7, Mountains, Canyons And Mountains

I figured I could leave my big backpack in Puebla while I go hiking/climbing mountains to the North of Puebla. It appeared to ba a good idea, when I ended up yet in another village without accommodation after dark.

Week 50 Continues, 1-5 Jan, Finishing The Shifts

Pretty much what it says: it was my last week working in the hostel, Anthony, Bruna and Ben went to Ecuador for New Year, most of the guests kept on on their travels. It was jus Ron, myself new argentinian and brazillian volnteers. The only thing that I can remember to stand out was New Year celebrations.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Week 50, Dec 25-31. Feria De Cali

Feria de Cali, crazy event that lasts a week before New Year, full of salsa dancing, street parties, concerts, parades and beer. Many people from all over Colombia and the world come to see it, all hotels/hostels/rented appartements are full. We were not different. Feria proved to be fun, but also hard work.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Week 48-49, Dec 16-24. Back To Cali

I came back to Cali after 10 days on the coast. Holiday season was apporaching and I wanted to spend it with someone I know rather then in completely random place. Besides, my salsa was not going anywhere, so I needed to work on it.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Week 53, 19-23rd Jan. MONTANAS

I knew from the very first day in Colombia that I will have to go there. I did argue a little wether I should at the end of my trip: I only had short time, I was alone, it was far. Of course, I went. El Cocuy National Park. Mountains. Former guerilla territories 12 hours curvy drive from the Capital. Over 20 snow peaks, most of the Park area is over 4000m. Of course, I went.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

End Of The Week 53, 24-25th Jan. Bogota And End Of South American Adventure

I arrived to Bogota earlier than I expected: I was supposed to spend there only one day, but I will spend there one night. As usual, bus arrived ridiculously early and I had nothing to do, just stay on the bus station waiting for the Sun to come up. Luckily, there was also wi fi, so I could book a hostel: big city, weekend, I thought it would be safer.