
Thursday, 13 November 2014

Вот тут Лиза пишет, как расчудесно мы съездили на фестиваль в Эквадоре.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Week 42, Nov 2-5. Popayan And Lazyness

We needed a break. Liza needed to work. So we stayed in Popayan for quite a long time.

Week 41, 30 Oct-2 Nov. Crossing The Borders

After Esmeraldas we were ready to leave Ecuador and headed to the border, but still had a few things to see on the way.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Week 41. Extras

All the time we spent in Esmeraldas we practically were talking: talking with the nun, the kids, missioners, boat driver. I wanted to write down some points of the two most interesting conversation we had in Santa Maria with the nun from Costa Rica and the locl guy (whose name unfortunately I do not remember.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Week 40, Part 2. Markets And Birds Of Prey

Late at night (well, after 10pm, but in Ecuador it feels late) we arrived to Otavalo famous for its Saturday market. That's about it. But there are a few walks around, lagunas, park with big birds, so we had things to do until Saturday, when we planned to shop and send more llama sweaters back home. Так что родители ждите посылку. Из моего там телефон и рюкзак, набитый ламами. Остальное надо передать родителям Лизы.

Week 41, Oct 26-30. В Деревню, К Неграм, В Глушь

Наконец-то мы забрались в глушь! 

Лиза была счастлива: мы наконец выбрались с гринго-трейл в Эсмеральдас, провинцию на побережье Тихого океана на севере эквадора, где живут выходцы из Африки. Путеводитель обещал вкусную еду на основе кокосового молока и маримбу.
По факту маримбу мы слышали только в машине, когда вместе с нашим каучем возвращались с пляжа в воскресенье. С кокосами повезло больше.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Friday, 24 October 2014

Week 39, Part 2. Off The Beaten Volcanoes Trek

I have done everything I wanted in Latacunga, so I finally (after a week spent there and around) left heading North. Before going to Quito, I wanted to visit a few small places where no that many tourists go to see yet even more volcanoes.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Week 39. Hiking And... Volcanoes!

After few rainy days when I fell in anabios I decided to start acting finally. Luckily, I found a whole group of people who were going to do the same 3-day hike I was planning to do, so on SUnday we set off to Quilotoa.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Week 37. Community Tourism And Volcanoes

October 1st-2nd. Mighty Chimborazo

Week 36. Escape To The Andes

After a few days in Guyaquil, when we felt fatigued all the time (I blame grey sky!), we headed off to the Ecuadorian Andes. Andes here are much lower then in Peru, but they have quite a few active high volcanoes that are popular for climbing. Guess, what my plan is?

Friday, 17 October 2014

Week 35, Part 3. Guyaquil

Long week! After snorckelling we took an afternoon bus to Ecuador, Guyacuil. 3 months without a week and I am out of Peru.

Week 35, Part 1. Ancient Cultures

So rains started and had to leave mountains, but before I could leave Huaraz, I needed to visit Chavin: ruins of old civilization that existed long before Incas and spread its influence all over Peru, but disappeared few centuries before Inca's invasion.
This week proved to be very educational: I managed to visit another center of another pre-Inca culture the next day, but in a completely different place

Friday, 10 October 2014

Week 35, Part 2. La Costa Peruana

After a month in Huaraz I finally made my way to the coast. I did not want to go: I would prefer to cross the border through mountains as it is less touristy. But there were 2 reasns why I should go
1. There are 3 parts of Peru: la selva, la sierra y la costa, all very distinct with different people living there. Needed to see all of them.
2. Liza, Russian girl I met in Huaraz was about to leave Mancora for Ecuador.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

А Перу Танцует Кумбию

Я, наконец, выбралась из Перу. После Боливии оно мне очень не нравилось. Первые 6 недель. Из Уараза я бы не уехала, если бы не погода... Теперь у меня (как то обычно бывает) ломка: я хочу обратно, в горы, к индейцам и детям, которые думают, что я мужик.
С Перу у меня сложились сложные отношения: мне так не понравился юг, что я хотела быстро проскочить север и бежать в Эквадор. Север был прекрасен-чудесен, заберите меня обратно.
Перу, как и Боливия, страна индейцев. Жизнь индейцев мало чем изменилась со времен Инков: в рацион добавился рис (который везде!) и в одежду элементы испанского костюма. Они все также едят куев (морских свинок - они, кстати, пришли к нам отсюда), похлебки из овощей и киноа и картофель, живут колхозами, перевозят грузы на животных через горы. Правда, теперь на ослах и мулах, а не на ламах.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Sad News

Today is 8 months since I left UK. That is how my shoes looked on my last day in Huaraz. I left them there hoping to come back.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Week 34, Part 2. Balconies Of Chacas

After coming back from the trek I headed to Chacas, where, I was told, Italian community lives.

Week 33-34. Into The Wild

I think I lost count of weeks... oh well.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Week 32. Vallunaraju

What makes me pay loads of money to wake up at midnight and climb for hours in the dark on the glacier without knowing where final destination is? Well, I guess it is this:

Friday, 29 August 2014

Week 31. Best Decision Ever

8 days, 8 high altitude passes, 120 (ish) km, 7 nights in a tent wrapped in liner, fleece and 2 sleeping bags - this is Huayhuash trek, considered (by local papers at least) as one of the most beautiful treks in the world. It was absolutely amazing and stunningly beautiful.

Week 30. Русские В Городе

И я снова в горах! Как я смогу из них выбраться, я не знаю.
Уараз - самое прекрасное место в Перу! Первый город, который мне понравился с первого взгляда. Окруженный горами, усаженный цветами в многочисленных парках, полный улыбающихся (и почти недоставучих) людей. Город, как и деревни вокруг, выглядит обеспеченным и организованным: то ли близость Лимы повлияло, то ли более теплый, чем в Куско, климат.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Я ухожу в горы на 8 дней с русской девочкой.
Кстати, я тут с двумя русскими девочками. Двумя. Русскими. Девочками!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Week 29. Up The Amazon

I did not want to go to Iquitos: it is off track and I spent way to much time in Peru than I planned. But Iquitos is the Amazon, where the great South American river starts, so I bought return ticket from Lima.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Week 28. Lima

Lima surprised me. It shocked me. I am in love with this city, but at the same time I want to escape.

Week 27. Arequipa And Colca Canon

Arequipa looks much less touristy than Cusco: no 'masajes, miss', to annoying tour agents (well, almost). The city center is very pleasant with colonial type buildings. After spending a day in Arequipa in preparation, we have left for trekking in Colca canon.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Complain Псто

I am so lazy and so out of time, I am afraid I will never write some things I really would like to write about. Sad

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Week 26 Continues. Machu Picchu

Saturday, 26/07. 6 months of travel

The reason I cam to South America:
1. Uyuni (checked!)
2. Machu Picchu
It took me exactly 6 months to get to Machu Picchu. On 6-month anniversary of my trip I climbed the mountain where Incas built the town where they did not live.

Week 25-26. Trekking The Andes

For the next two weeks I was offline: I did 2 5-days treks: around Ausangate mountain and Salkantay to Machu Picchu! I did it the way round: first Ausangate, then Machu Picchu. Do not ask me if there was a logic here, I just found a group (and the trek that does not end up in MP is hard to find in Cusco), so I went for it first.
As I am reeeeeaaaaaaallllyyyyyyyy late with this blog few next posts are going to be in English to save time.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Week 23-24. Jungle Bells

Oooooh, I am soooo behind with this journal. The thing is most of those weeks I did not have internet, so I have an excuse. I will do one post to quickly describe what was happening.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Week 22. Back To La Paz

I spent 5 days of Bolivian countryside where I felt so welcome being almost alone gingo in the area. We counted 5 in total with my new Bolivian friend with whom I stayed. I came back to La Paz on a long 18-hours long boiling to freezing bus.


As much as I hated Bolivia in the beginning (noisy La Paz, unfriendly town of Uyuni), as much I loved it at the end of my trip. It was really really hard to leav (well, as usual in fact). If I did not have another arrangement in Peru Jungles, I would stay longer, climbed all the mountains around La Paz, went to Jungles and Pampa there went to numerous National Parks for hikes.... so many to do there.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Movie Star

What seems like very long time ago, back in Buenos Aires, I was starring in a short documentary about how to make traditional Argentinian mate tea. My friend/host made a shorter viewer friendly version of it for her website.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Week 21, Part 2. Bolivian Lowlands

I hope I did not mix up the weeks. My vacations are over and I flew to Santa Cruz. 30 mins flight includes snacks. Amazing service by Bolivian Airlines. It has been 1 month I am in Bolivia, but I did not travel here alone, I am a bit nervious: forgot how to travel on my own.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Weeks 19-21. One Typical Day Or Spanish, Children And Football

Ok, I was lazy, extremely lazy these 3 weeks, was not doing much, unlike in my first weeks of studying on BsAs. My excuse is I was busy. Sounds strange right? What I mean is I did not visit museums, or Sucre, did not make photos. Except Parque creatico to the side of the cement factory with dynosaurs footprints, I did not do anything sightseeing-wise in this place. Bad, bad, bad.

Dynosaurus footprints

As I did not do any Spanish posts, this one will be in Spanish. NB, this is not very interesting, more for practice of my Spanish

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Week 19. 7-8 June. Weekend Trekking Or I Hate You, Internet In Bolivia!

Internet is so slow and frustrating here, I give up trying to upload photos now, just few for the posts (which I am also not motivated to write). My days are pretty much the same over the week, so I think (hope?) to do one post about my day later in the week. This one is about weekend trekking in Maragua.
We were 4 with guide, it was awesome even though I managed to get cold a few days before and could not speak on Sunday. Bolivia is beautiful, I am slowly falling in love with it (like with any other country I visited - except Uruguya maybe).
Feel like I will have troubles getting out of here as well. Damn. I will never finish this journey. People I was with in Patagonia slowly start to come back to normal life, I am not even half-way yet. Especially with my ever-streching teavel plans.
Anyone would like to join for Peru-Equador and further adventures?

Some views on the way

*more to follow when (and if) I've got a courage*

Friday, 6 June 2014

Week 18, Part 2. Land Of Mines

We ran away from unwelcoming town of Uyuni same day we came back there. Heading to the highest town in the world, Potosi.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Weeks 17-18. My Dream, Uyuni

I am finally there. So close. Uyuni salar flats are were one of two reasons I am in South America. It took me 3 months though to get there.

Week 17, Part 2. Lake Titicaca

After a few days in La Paz, we moved to Copacabana to see the highest lake in the world Titicaca.

Week 16, Part 2. Last Weekend In Santiago

Yes, I am back to my favourite city so far in SA (sorry, Buenos Aires!). This is my last weekend here and in Chile before heading to Bolivia.

Week 17, Part 1. Cultural Shock

Sophie is in town! We will be travelling through Bolivia for the next 2 weeks together. Starting in La Paz, 3600 m above sea level, for a couple of days of acclimatization.and then off to the highest lake in the world.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Hola, Bolivia

Bolivian internet does not allow me to update this blog.
I am in the process of uploading photos, will be back soon with stories about Sophie's visit, rude Bolivians, magnificent Uyuni salt flats, rural/touristic highest lake in the world, life of miners and electricity shortcuts.
I am now chilling in Sucre for a couple of weeks.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Без Паники

Я жива-здорова, в Боливии Софи и плохой интернет. В выходные апдейт и созвоны (если найду рабочий вай фай).

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Week 16, Part 1. Isla De Pascua

Be careful on the beach: coconut can fall on your head
(Introduction to National park rules given by ranger)

Week 15, Part 2. Exploring Santiago

I am back again to Santiago waiting for my flight to Easter Island on Sunday. Hostel is eeeemptyyy! Although when I came I was told there were no beds for tonight. But that is fine by me: I have plans on my own for this weekend for a change.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Week 15, Part 1. Elqui Valley

100km from La Serena sits Elqui Valley (geez, I read too many guide books), where, it is claimed, is the best sky to watch the stars. Also UFO has been seen in the area, so a lot of hippies moved here in the 60s. Stars are great here, but I cannot see huge difference with Olmue. I would say, I liked Olmue better than here, but there I lived on the top of the hill and could see all valley, here I am at the bottom.
P.S. As I forgot to write in Spanish last week, there will be 2 Spanish posts for this.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Week 14, Part 2. Back To The Coast

I had a week before my flight in Santiago, so I went back to the coast, 600 km North from Santiago (hoping it would be warmer there) to watch starts and do some hiking in the mountains.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Week 14, Part 1. Santiago, I Love You

I am back to Santiago. I cannot explain it, but there is still something in this city that I adore. It is maybe the first place in my travel where I think I could live.
Not Buenos Aires, but Santiago.
And it is not a beautiful city, quite opposite: it is dirty and full of abandoned buildings, but it is calm and nice relaxed people live here.

Week 13. Unexpected Vacations

As of Friday last week I am working on the farm. So far so good: I am fed on time (or I feed myself), weather is nice and sunny, I do what I like as owner has been mostly away, we were making wine in the middle of the night and starts are fantastic here.
However, on Monday Mario told me that he has to go and help his friend for a couple of days, so I am free to do whatever I want for this time. And so I went to the coast.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Week 12, Part 2. Welcome To Chile

I am back to Chile! Goodbye, Argentina, asado ( I managed to overeat it), tango, strange accent and mate. Hello strange accent, sea food and pisco.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Hostels Collection

I decided to start a few collections. I want to show you hostels I am staying in (why do I have this idea 2 months into my travel??).
Hostels are very different: ensuit, with shared bathroom, in the middle of the town, on the outskirts, with garden, with swimming pool, with good kitchen, with no kitchen, in former hotel, etc....
So here it goes.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Week 12, Part 1. Completing To-do List In Argentina

My last days in Argentina for this trip (never say never though)! I am ready to go, cannot wait to see more of Chile.
I still a lot of to-do list to complete for Argentina, which I started last week, so this is a plan for the first half of this week.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Week 11, Part 2. Going up North

There are so many English people in the hostel in Bariloche! Most of them are from Oxbridge. I love their English! I wish I heard more English like that when I was in the UK.
I also meet so many people from Gloucestershire: Nailworth, Cheltenham (Heatherley), Stroud, Corencester. Feels like all of them just followed me to South America!
Autumn, although beautiful, still depressing: cannot change my European state of mind here. I have decided to start 'yet another new life' (I started every 3 months or so I think?). I need to occupy my brain, it begs for work.

Cemetery Collection

As a big fan of cemetries, I always try to visit one whenever I go. Cemetery can say a lot abot the place: its history (names of people say where they come from), traditions, quality of life (life expectancy or state of the graves).
Here's my small collection.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Australian Spirit

Yesterday found out that one is not allowed to get drunk in a pub in Australia. What???

Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Engineer Is Always An Engineer

Blimey (hehe)! I want this lamp!!!

Week 11, Part 1. Lakes, Rain And Chocolate

It rained all night from Sunday to Monday! Although it was nice in cosy sitting in front of fire place in El Bolson, I wanted some action (had enough of sitting!) and escaped to Bariloche hoping I could do some hiking/rock climbing/paragliding there.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Week 10. Part 2. Lake District

I have decided to do 2 posts a week, so ou have less to look through and everyone knows that I am still alive. Did not succeed on this much: was too lazy.
I became very lazy somehow: prefer to stay inside and do nothing, rather than go hiking or cycling, or whatever. I do not write in Spanish anymore, I think in English, because it is easier to find words than in Russian (and als lack of practice).
Also this 'doing nothing thing' makes me bored. I was so excited a night I left Puerto Madryn! Staying in one place for more than 3 nights is boring, I need to move, I need something to be hapening. Not being on the road is boring.
From the other side, I miss some sort of normality in my life, habits, something I can do on daily basis, I miss routine. I am a mess as usual.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Week 10. Part 1. Wild Animals

Sunday 30/3. Sunday tea
Ok, I spent 3 days drinking tea (those of you who has FB should have seen my feasts), here they are:

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Week 9. Crossing Patagonia (Yes, Still There - It Is Huge!)

I am slowly going North in Patagonia, and it is getting warmer and warmer, but the landscape does no change: steppe, and steppe again.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Excitement Of Accommodation Search

Accommodation is the second biggest expense in travelling, but with smart planning (yeah, sure) and a bit of luck one can find very cheap and pleasant roof (bed?).
I am in Gaiman now and if Trelew had one hostel that I could find through search engines (hostelworld, booking, etc), Gaiman does not. The place is, however, full with B&Bs. I was able to find 3 to book online, and addresses for another 3 with phone numbers.

Week 8. Out Of Service

Tuesday, 18/03. Puerto Natales
We came back from the trek on Monday, saw lotls of guanacos (southern version of lamas with long eye lashes) on the way when were not sleeping. Interestingly, have not met a lot of wild life in the park, just another campers going in both direcions. We actually were walking as a huge group with other people who started W-circuit at the same point as us. Now we keep meeting these people in town, feels like we know everyone around!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Week 7 Continues. Towers Of Pain Aka Trekking Patagonia

Torres del Paine, which we named Tower of Pain, is a national park in Chile, where we spent 5 days/ 4 nights, 66.5 km with 17 kg on my back fighting Patagonian weather.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Joy Of Trip Planning

I have decided to write a few posts about my life here: how I move, where I stay, what I eat, what I carry with myself, so you have better insight of my travel.
El Chalten was a perfect example for trip planning, as it was probably the most challenging place to plan the next move with its lack of internet. But it is pretty much the same story everywhere I go.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Week 7. Due South

This week is all about nature, Patagonia, hiking and cold.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Week 6. Solars, Wine And End Of The World

How do you like my new map?
I have also created new album for you to check out.

Friday, 28 February 2014

A Month Of Travelling

It has been a month since I left Northern hemisphere.
It feels such a long time ago, I barely remember my life in UK, but the days sometimes go so quickly, so I do not have time to do everything I plan for them.
In one month my Spanish got better, I can do crossfit, rafting, read Cosmo and talk politics. Argentines suffer with me: I make them repeat and repeat phrases in Spanish until I understand. Sometimes it takes to repeat 5 times. Poor people!
Month overview?
Parting all night? - Checked.
Drinking mate with Argentines? - Checked.
Taking part in asado parties? - I haven't eaten that much meat in one go in my life.
Got burned on the beached of Uruguay? - Checked, checked, checked - I got all new skin now.
Walking alone in the jungle and watching wildlife? - Done that.
I guess the only thing I've missed is Parillas, but they are everywhere, I have another 52 days (according to stamp in my passport) to catch up.
3 weeks in Buenos Aires felt like months. This city became my home (not that I want to live there though). Portenos are different from people of the rest of the country as it usually happens with capitals.
Buenos Aires never sleeps, they only start going out at midnight, while in the regions everything closes at 11pm. I guess big cities are exempt - going to confirm very soon.
There are a lot of musicians in Subte who very often give good performance with musical instruments and mics.
The passangers are good audience, they always readily appload and give money (2 $ usually).
People read a lot of newspapers and are less plugged in than in Metro in Moscow.
They as easy as selling umbrellas (paraguas) in the street, as they run their illegal blue market business. On a rainy day around Florida street one only hears 'Paraguas, paraguas' mixed with 'Cambio, cambio' at every corner.
In their language saying 'Que linda' to a passing girl is just an acknowledgement of fact that a girl is passing by. You can hear it from everyone: from a young guy, almost a boy, to an old respectful man in business suit.
Buenos Aires is filled with farmacies, banks and beauty salons like Moscow.
In the banks there is always a queue of people.
It was an interesting month full of discoveries and mind broadening experience (euh, my Russian English, I wonder how google would translate it?). I am in power of European stereotypes, so when I see guys kissing eacher other when they meet, they become a bit gayish to me. They do not do it so often in the rest of the country though.
I do not have clear plan for the next X amount of months, let's see what happens. I promise to write about the most exciting events. Thank you for reading.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Week 4. Iguazu Falls

Note to myself: always book accommodation over weekend, whether it is popuar touristic destination during high season like Iguazu, or small rural place where nobody goes - there might be a carnival and all hotels booked.
Note #2: Local tourist information can be very helpful, should use it more.
All photos are here.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Week 3-4. Uruguay

All the photos are here.

Saturday, 15/02. Colonia

I finally leaving BA. Not forever, I will come back on Wednesday to fly to Iguazu, but now I am going to another country to lie on the beach (ish) for a couple of days.
I am catching the same ferry as a girl from my class and her frend and there are more people coming from the school. And I am travelling with 15 l rucksack leaving the rest at my hosts's. 15 liters! For 5 days! Why do I even have 65 l bag???
Ferry takes an hour, I plan to visit Colonia today and catch the bus to Montevideo in the evening. Good plan. Did not happen. I did not know Uruguay is one hour ahead of Argentina. We have arrived around 3.30pm local time, by time girls found their hostel, checked in, time passed and there was asado in the evening and a bed available, so I decided to stay. I do not have anything booked in Montevideo anyway. Plan changed.
Met people from my old school and visited Colonia with them, while my group were sleeping.
Colonia is very calm, small and slow after fast and loud BAires. Just want to sit somewhere on the beach, drink mate and watch the ocean. Very nice place, small one-storey houses, old cars, narrow streets, beautiful people (they are taller than portenos).
Travelling in a group is fun, but practice of spanish is limited. I was just proud of myself when I could handle 15mins conversation with taxi driver the other night. Now I do not get a chance to speak spanish. Hmmm
Tomorrow I am going to Montevideo. Nothing will stop me.

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Looks like my little tablet only could create link to mobile Picasa. This should work better. Let me know.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Week 3. Last Week In Buenos Aires

Monday, 10/02. Russian vodka dinner

Сегодня готовила борщ для своих хозяев и их друзей. Они купили водку, я нашла соленые огурцы и капусту (ish). Russian dinner with vodka. Для аргентинцев странно пить водку с едой, а не в клубе и не закусывая.
С утра в попытках найти нужные ингридиенты бегала по магазинам. Какие же у них плохие овощи! Вроде все, что нужно есть, но выбрать свеклу практически невозможно. 
В магазине есть 2 типа картошки - мытая и немытая. Немытая в 2 раза дороже, но такая же гнилая. "Если нет разницы, зачем платить больше?"-подумала я, и набрала немытой на 0.5 доллара (что это теперь? 20 рублей?). Зато мяса много и на любой вкус. 
Начала готовить и поняла, что борщ я не варила уже несколько лет. Все переживала, что картошка переварилась (она у них какая-то мягкая и варится за 5 минут), капуста недоварилась. К тому же, один из друзей моих хозяев уже пробовал борщ: остальным можно было сказать, что так и надо. Но, то ли водка, то ли голод дал о себе знать, "muy rico". Международного скандала удалось избежать. 
Я не умею варить маленькими порциями, им еще неделю этот борщ есть. Холодная водка под корнюшоны (ближайший эквавалент соленых огурцов, который удалось найти) и квашеную капусту тоже хорошо пошла. Бутылку, правда, на 5х не смогли добить. 
Пока я готовила все, включая гостей, предложили свою помощь. Гости всегда приносят либо вино, либо десерт. 
Когда закончили есть, все дружно начали убирать со стола посуду, оставив только алкоголь. 
У них в языке нет понятия "хозяин" (по крайней мере, у моих хозяев), есть "приглашенные". Они ходят в гости к друг другу по очереди, помогают накрывать и убирать со стола - какие же они гости? Правда, никто ничегУ них, как и в России, принято приглашать людей в гости и сидеть говорить, говорить, говорить, есть, пить чай (мате в их случае). У нас вообще в этом плане много общего.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Life in BA

When you leave exchange office with a bag full of money because you've just changed 500 usd to pesos to save yourself time and nerves in the future, and a guy first looks at you very carefully and then stops you, the last thing you expext to here is "You are so beautiful". Shocking.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Week 2. Buenos Aires. Elpasaje School

So I have change the school this week for something cheaper and smaller. We are only 4 in the group as against 6 in the previous, and, as the classes are in the afternoon, we do not get to meet a lot of people. I am glad I chosen to go to Expanish first, it was more social, the building only belongs to the school, looks like they organize more events. Money well spent. Now it is time to concentrate on my Spanish.

If this is ok with you, I wil not reply to the comments in posts, but will try to answer in the next. I do not really have time to spend in internet, so I try to be efficient. Hope this it ok? I promise to update weekly. 

Warning: this post is a crazy mixture of languages, I apologize for it. Just felt like writting in other language sometimes. 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Doing My Spanish Homework...

А вы знали, что 'I keep in mind this magic moment' means 'Я помню чудное мгновенье' pffff. Lame.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Rainy weekend in Buenos Aires

It was rainy and thundery over weekend, and I was not very motivated to walk under the rain. So I stayed in the barrio.

Week 1. Buenos Aires. Expanish school

It has been a week since I am in Buenos Aires, time for update.
Buenos Aires is wonderful beautiful magical place. Everything I wrote before is not true, let's say I was jetlagged.

My host is ok. First shock has gone, I am staying here. They are very interesting people, he is a musician, she is a photographer. This is an old house and it gives it some sort of a charm (ish). Got used to the dog, had to push it out of bathroom every morning. I know all the dog owners of barrio. 

Area is fine, 30 mins to the school by subte (metro), already know where my station is without looking and what exit I need. Feel myself real porteno.
I came so unprepared here, I did not even check if my phone would work in Argentina (well, it does not). Here I do not really have time to check internet/guide books for my plans, so I just go with the flow. Found out a lot from people and have approximate plan until 25th Feb. Having no plan, having no time to visit main attractions on the first week does not bother me much, I have another 2 weeks and enough time to do everything I will plan to do.
Everything excites me. Changing money on blue market? Exciting! Eating in suspicious chinese buffets? Exciting! Having TD? Yes! I am a real traveller now. Since I ended up in Wales every substandard situation makes me think fast and is exciting (see how excited I am?). I thought only particular type of people like being under stress, I never thought of myself as 'particular'. I met the girl who like me left her job and went around the world. She says that she found out a lot about herself. Time for me to do the same. Exciting!

Here's what happened this week.

Sunday, 26 January 2014


I am in BA.
It is summer time.
Still do not understand what is happening. I am on the other side of the world!
When landing landscape looked like Germany: square fields everywhere.
They gave a declaration to fill. Oups! How am I supposed to do this? Was not aware I need to declare my mobile phone (what model is it??? Nokia with flashlight?).
Waiting in the queue on the border, i was thinking " I do not have print of my accommodation confirmation, nor of my Spanish courses. Are they going to let me in?"
Cannot say I was nervious though, whatever happens happens.
Crossing the border was easy:
"How long do you intend to stay?"
"2 months (ish)"
"Please have your 90 days stamp in the passport"
After baggage reclaim there was a scan. That is where I would theoretically need my declaration. No, did not need it.
Taking taxi was easier and cheaper than thought.
And that is where challenges began.

Saturday, 25 January 2014

And the Journey begins

I am writting this sitting in Madrid airport, waiting for my connction flight to BA.
I still cannot believe I am doing it. Feels more like weekend away than Life changing experience.
Started with my train being diverted through SJT. I only realised something went wrong in the midle of the Welsh field, where the train stopped. Of course missed connecting train, had to look for alternative ways to get to the aiport. It was fun.
Good start for an exciting journey, I think?

Sunday, 19 January 2014


This blog is for my family and friends to follow my journey in Latin America. I was not sure what language I should use, but at the moment it feels natural to write in English. It always sounds cooler in English. There might be some odd posts in Russian and I do plan to write in Spanish when I am better in it.

I will try to write at least once a week, as long as there is internet access. Let's see how it works out.