
Saturday 15 February 2014

Week 3. Last Week In Buenos Aires

Monday, 10/02. Russian vodka dinner

Сегодня готовила борщ для своих хозяев и их друзей. Они купили водку, я нашла соленые огурцы и капусту (ish). Russian dinner with vodka. Для аргентинцев странно пить водку с едой, а не в клубе и не закусывая.
С утра в попытках найти нужные ингридиенты бегала по магазинам. Какие же у них плохие овощи! Вроде все, что нужно есть, но выбрать свеклу практически невозможно. 
В магазине есть 2 типа картошки - мытая и немытая. Немытая в 2 раза дороже, но такая же гнилая. "Если нет разницы, зачем платить больше?"-подумала я, и набрала немытой на 0.5 доллара (что это теперь? 20 рублей?). Зато мяса много и на любой вкус. 
Начала готовить и поняла, что борщ я не варила уже несколько лет. Все переживала, что картошка переварилась (она у них какая-то мягкая и варится за 5 минут), капуста недоварилась. К тому же, один из друзей моих хозяев уже пробовал борщ: остальным можно было сказать, что так и надо. Но, то ли водка, то ли голод дал о себе знать, "muy rico". Международного скандала удалось избежать. 
Я не умею варить маленькими порциями, им еще неделю этот борщ есть. Холодная водка под корнюшоны (ближайший эквавалент соленых огурцов, который удалось найти) и квашеную капусту тоже хорошо пошла. Бутылку, правда, на 5х не смогли добить. 
Пока я готовила все, включая гостей, предложили свою помощь. Гости всегда приносят либо вино, либо десерт. 
Когда закончили есть, все дружно начали убирать со стола посуду, оставив только алкоголь. 
У них в языке нет понятия "хозяин" (по крайней мере, у моих хозяев), есть "приглашенные". Они ходят в гости к друг другу по очереди, помогают накрывать и убирать со стола - какие же они гости? Правда, никто ничегУ них, как и в России, принято приглашать людей в гости и сидеть говорить, говорить, говорить, есть, пить чай (мате в их случае). У нас вообще в этом плане много общего.

Tuesday, 11/02. Los Secretos de Sus Ojos

If you have not seen it yet, do. 

Wednesday, 12/02. We like to party 

When I leave the house in the morning, I usually do not know what I am going to do after school. In reality just twice I came back home early (one day I decided to walk all the way, 2nd time when I was cooking). 
Today I went only to La Catedral for tango class, but ended up partying in Palermo. Absolutely crazy! I knew only 5 or 6 out of 12 people who were there. Travellers, students from my school, roommates from their hostel, I could not quite figure how they all knew each other. French girl and I started dancing and first of our group, then more people joined. (Well at first Argentines looked at us like we were crazy). Can you imagine me starting dancing on the empty dancefloor and completely sober? Came back home at 3am again. 
I have already told, I meet lots and lots of amazing interesting people from all over the world, they are so easy to start talking (I entered La Catedral, there were only 4 people, I joined in, 2 of them appeared to be Russians from Moscow!). 
I did not have my camera with me, so do not have any photos. Instead, look what a cute little roommate I have (had: we rolled it over with skate board).
Ah, yes, I also bought my ferry tickets to Uruguay, I am going to the beach this weekend! 

Thursday, 13/02. The Olympic games 

I do no watch The Games, I only cought some figure skating in a cafe once. It is so strange watching the winter Olympics in the middle of the summer, even thinking that there is winter somewhere out there where all my friends and family are. 
This is about my personal "Games".
I mentioned before the gym with crossfit, and I finally went there. It was a very bizarre version of crossfit, but I enjoyed doing sport and the fact that I understood instructions in Spanish. Except the fact that girls are supposed to do only half of what guys are doing, so I ended up doing 100 kettkebell swings, 100 situps, 100 wallballs and 360 rope jumps in under 20 mins. Second time I got number of repetitions wrong again. And weight of kettlebells as well. Now I know very important words like peso muerto (love it!), saltas, kettlebells (si, si, they are called kettlebells), saga, peso (for the bar), flexiones...

I also cut my hair.
P.S. i did not know i have so many wrinkles, oooooohhhhh.... 

Friday, 14/02. Fuerza Bruta 

This is my last full day in Buenos Aires. I like the city, but I would not would not live here. I am glad to move finally, I got used to the place cannot wait to see others. 
With some people from my school went to Fuerza Bruta
I would say, VERY post modern. Very visual, very musical, but I could not understand if there was any idea, script behind everything that was hapenning. Everytime you are wondering where from you should expect something to appear. A lot of interaction with audience, I got completely wet at the end. People were going crazy. 
Visual, interactive, but not great: actors did not show any amazing performances, they were either flying, or running, or dancing, playing drums (La Bomba was better). 
I do not know why it is #1 attraction in BA on Tripadvisor. (However, guys from the school were there 2nd time. Obviously they loved it). At the end there was a DJ set, which was fun and allowed me to dry my hair and shirt a bit.
I might write separate post about people of Buenos Aires later if I am motivated enough. Today I am rushing to pack my bags ready for new adventure in different country!

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