
Saturday 3 May 2014

Week 14, Part 1. Santiago, I Love You

I am back to Santiago. I cannot explain it, but there is still something in this city that I adore. It is maybe the first place in my travel where I think I could live.
Not Buenos Aires, but Santiago.
And it is not a beautiful city, quite opposite: it is dirty and full of abandoned buildings, but it is calm and nice relaxed people live here.

Tuesday, 29/04. Museo de la Memoria

I was back in Santiago around midday, by time I found hostel andmade myself look like a human being (after 2 days showering under cold water), it was 4pm. Nothing much I could do, except walking to closeby Museo de la Memoria with exposition about Pinochet era.
Quite impressive when one can actually read and understand letters of the prisoners. There were tortures and political prisons and missing people like in Argentina, just on slightly smaller scale. However, it looks like in Chile they put more effort to tell and preserve memory about the time. Never again.

I have no photos from this day.
Wednesday, 30/04. Markets of Santiago

Markets in Santiago, fruit and vegetable, fish, meat, etc are located very close to each other. They represent nothing special: just markets full of stalls, people, animals. And for some unexpliable reason tourists. I quite enjoy thoug seeing so many good (sometimes unknown) fruits and vegetables after poor Argentinian selection. It is a place to shop, not wonder around. So if you are ever in Santiago, go there to try 'exist only in Chile' fruits.
Close to the Central Market there is also bar-resto, where terremoto drink has been created. I am still to try it.

Thursday, 01/05. Первомай

Сегодня 1 мая, очередной выходной. Все, как обычно, закрыто, даже улицы. Но на главной авениде много людей. В 11 утра. Для Чили в выходной это редкость. Сегодня день труда, или День Рабочего.
Рабочий класс Сантьяго идет маршем.

Даже собаки

И Санта Клаусы

После митинга на площади - побитые окна и бутылки, а во дворах - ОН. Все еще живой

Оказался музыкант, много ездил, жил в Канаде и Европе, теперь вот выпивает с друзьями по поводу Первомая. Друзья тоже музыканты, импровизировали на тему Интернационала (джаз-версия 4го Интернационала звучит интересно).

Гуляя по центру, увидела граффити, подумала, что эта женщина уж очень не Путина похожа. Оказалось, он. Свободу Пусси Райот!

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